Non Invasive Testing
We’re Here to Help You Feel Better. Feel Whole.
For people with Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Dizziness, Nerveproblems, Heart Diseases, Depression, Numbness and Tingling, Pain, Circulation Problems, Smokers, Overweight,Arterial Stiffness, Sudomotor Function Issues, CardiacAutonomic Neuropathy and Peripheral Artery Disease.
- Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
- Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV)
- Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
- Sudomotor/Galvanic Test
All tests done in 15 minutes.
Autonomic Nervous System
Your ANS is the part of the nervous system which functions to sustain life by helping to control your heart, lungs, digestive system,blood pressure, immune system, certain reflexes, fluid balance, sleep, sweating, hormones, kidney, and sexual function.
Autonomicnervous system monitoring is a fast non-invasive and simple way to provide your doctor with information to help determine how healthy you are.
What is being monitored?
▪ Sudomotor function/Galvanic skin response
▪ Cardiac autonomic neuropathy
▪ Peripheral artery disease and vascular diseases
Your autonomic testing monitor determines how your ANS is controlling your heart, lungs and other vital organs of your body. Your physician then interprets these results and these results may help your doctor adjust your treatment for better health. ANS monitoring is important because everyone is different and so is their autonomic nervous system.

How an individual responds to disease, injury, lifestyle choices, medications and medical treatment largely depends on his or her ANS. By monitoring your ANS your doctor can determine how you as an individual are responding to disease or therapy to provide better care for you and better maintain your well-being. Frequent monitoring when indicated helps your doctor better maintain your health and well-being. Your doctor can personalize and tailor treatments including medications specifically for you.
The ANS exam is a simple test that is performed in your doctor’s office. A nurse or technician applies 2 blood pressure cuffs, 2 pulse oximeters, & plates for hands & feet. The entire test takes 9 minutes. The exam include several phases. It monitors you while you are relaxed, while you are breathing in certain ways, and while you are standing. Throughout the test you will be instructed by the nurse or technician.
Physicians face patients with chronic metabolic disease or other comorbid conditions and symptoms. At times differentiating vascular from neuropathic disorders can be difficult. The symptoms of small fiber neuropathy and vascular disorder can overlap and mimic each other. Symptoms can include tingling, pain, burning, numbness, shooting sensations cramping or claudication. The symptoms may vary with positioning and activity level. Although the conditions may imitate each other the causes are often unrelated. It is imperative to distinguish between autonomic neuropathy and vascular disease because the treatments are quite different. The ATM gives you a better understanding of what the patient may have so you can develop a better treatment protocol or a better referral.